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Health benefits of PINEAPPLE


Pine apple is the best energizing fruit that refreshes your mind and body after eating fully ripen sweetest slices or a cup of juice. The leaves, flowers, fruits and vegetables are used for medicinal purposes.  The largest consumers of these fruits is America, this is the reason why Americans are not mostly affected by kidney stones. The pulp is used in making ice creams, salads, juice, and cakes.


Water content                          : 87 g
Vitamin  C                                 : 39 mg
Mineral salts                            : 40 mg
Protein                                      : 40 mg
Fat                                             :10 mg
Fiber                                         : 50 mg
Sugar contents                        : 10.8 g
Calories                                    : 46 cal
Calcium                                    : 20mg
Phosphorus                             : 9mg
Iron                                           : 1.2 mg
Thiamine                                 : 0.20mg
Riboflovine                             : 0.12 mg
Niacin                                      : 0.1 mg

Prevents cardio diseases and strengthens heart.

It is highly recommended to consume one cup of pine apple juice to extend the life span of heart.  As the heart is the main organ for healthy life, the necessary nutrients in the fruit prevents the toxins that results in heart problems.  Doctors said that, the juice of this fruit promotes the healthy heart rate.

Strengthens immune system

The two research institutes in Australia have found that the pine apple has two important ingredients that searches and kills cancer cells and makes the immune system more effective than before.

Other health benefits

One of the fruit that increases immunity and body mass in a healthy manner after a surgery is pine apple.  It Promotes body strength.

Purifies blood and intestines

Improves libido function

The miracle properties present in the pine apple helps in Great functions of limpic system in brain

After eating the food, taking one glass of juice Aids in digestion.

It reduces the swelling and Fights against Diphtheria infection.

From inside of your body, the dirt that had been stored under your skin can be cleansed by the Juice of the fruit.

Promotes kidney function

The main function of kidney is to flush out toxins from the body through urine will maintain a healthy body


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